Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can of course contact us by phone or via contact form and we will be happy to answer your questions.

How does UVC disinfection work?

Against which microorganisms is UVC effective?

Is UVC harmful to humans?

Are UVpro tubes ozone free?

What is the lifetime of UVpro tubes?

How to care for the UVC tubes?

When do the O-rings and seals need to be replaced?

Are UVpro devices waterproof?

In which sectors can UVpro devices be used?

How does UVC disinfection work?

Against which microorganisms is UVC effective?

Is UVC harmful to humans?

Are UVpro tubes ozone free?

What is the lifetime of UVpro tubes?

How to care for the UVC tubes?

When do the O-rings and seals need to be replaced?

Are UVpro devices waterproof?

In which sectors can UVpro devices be used?